When Alvin Toffler published his book “Future Shock” in 1970s, it was hard to believe his claims that our society is entering an era of change that will completely change the picture of the world. However, technological and information revolution, as the main drivers of development today, not only changed the way we work and create, but the overall picture of social and private life of man from the beginning of the 21st century. Personal computers at work, at home and in the form of phone, iPod, iPhone, iBook, Internet, Skype, IM (chat), online shopping and learning, online friendship and dating, are just some of the elements of modern life that only a few decades ago were unacceptable, while life today would be unimaginable without them. It is interesting that although these changes are reflected in a number of (or all) aspects of modern life, it seems that  (formal) education is not among them. Education systems around the world still reflect the social, historical and economic period in which they occurred – the period of industrial revolution. Understanding of school as a factory is not unknown in the theory and practice of modern education. The paper is intended to refer to the directions of possible changes in educational systems around the world, and the role of modern media in conceptualizing education correspondent to the needs of the 21st century. We want to explore potential and likely scenarios of development of education, which will by using the advantages and opportunities of contemporary media and technology meet the needs of development in the 21st century.


Digitisation of the national heritage is a complex process requiring a systematic approach at all levels, as a logical and balanced development of the national digitization project is necessary. A good national strategy should provide the needed systematic approach. Is there something that can facilitate faster adoption of this document, and are there any obstacles along the way? The search for answers leads from the previous efforts put in the digitization strategy document in Serbia, to the recommendations of the European Union in the field, including some examples of good practice in the neighboring countries that have some sort of national digitisation programs, but also the polemics of strategy sustainability.

The current state in Serbia confirms that unsystematic digitisation and sequencing of individual and closed projects, does not provide long-term results equal to the ones achievable by a clear policy and a systematic approach to digitisation. On the other part, creating a national digitisation strategy in Serbia looks like conquering a huge digital fortress. 


In The World’s Eternal Humming I research civil journalism in digital age (especially online journalism), its basic characteristics and attributes, its phenomenal aspects, its relation to professional journalists and bloggers as well as the cooperation of media and citizen – reporters. I also analyze the key attributes of the screen culture and the digital paradigm – the radical media convergence and information overload. The paper offers some possible answers to the following questions: how can media follow those changes, how can media discuss various matters and cooperate with their audience? What are possible ways for media to give professional help to the growing needs of the citizens to express themselves and announce their stance in the global digital network? And is it actually necessary? In the conclusion I propose a short critical review on the position and the role of the citizen (online) journalism today.


This essay has few levels. First part is about notional mechanism considering stereotype status, signification and importance of stereotype deconstruction in society. The second part is analysis of the characters, content and the way of implementation of deconstruction models in cartoon sitcom South park, emphasing research object, questioning the role of stereotype deconstruction and consideration of the possibilities of dispositive changes. Third part refers to the interpretation – theory implementation and presenting the results of research with discussion on ethics problems in the process of deconstruction of stereotypes with the suggestion for its implementation.

In the first part, I take over notional mechanism from two studies. One refers on media studies, and the other one on media ethics. The term of deconstruction is implemented here in such a formulation as it is constituted inside the philosophy and theory of Jacques Derrida. In the content analysis I explore which stereotypes are the most present in cartoon sitcom South park and in which way the deconstruction of narrative was done. I discover few ways of deconstruction of content stereotypes-that will be explained on the examples from the cartoon sitcom-as it follows:

1. Stereotype vs. stereotype: Implementation of thetorical power of the same mechanisms that stereotypes use.

2. Passive deconstruction of stereotypes: Exaggeration in stressing the traditional stereotypes without subversion of provided attitude.

3. Meta-position of stereotypes: When the stereotype is discussed, scientific discourse is used.

In this essay I will discuss the role of this cartoon sitcom reffering to the local context (the tough stereotype opinions inside some groups to whom the material for deconstruction of the stereotype should be offered), time and place of broadcasting content (Channel B92), superannuation of the spectators who are allowed to watch the show (18+) and intervening value inside this content framework. In the last part interpretive method will be present by theory of deconstruction and theory of sexuality and through affirmation of thesis and necessisity of deconstruction of media contents in local context.


The project “Empty Spaces of Serbia” explores a phenomenon of “empty spaces” or “emptied spaces”, i.e. objects of cultural-historical heritage, as well as other objects that have lost their original purpose: military objects, industrial areas, abandoned suburbs and villages etc. One of the main purposes of the project was to explore the possibilities of transformation of derelicted properties into multifunctional cultural or scientific centres. The first phase of the project was carried out from June to November 2009. It covered the City of Belgrade area with its 17 municipalities. In the first phase of the project more than 150 sites were discovered. The research steps consisted of data collection, systematization and creation of database of explored spaces. Unsolved property problems, lack of strategy on governmental and local level, as well as lack of initiative of potential users (organizations and individuals), turned out to be the main obstacles in recycling and reusing these spaces. The results of the first phase of the project support expanding of the database of deserted urban and rural properties, with emphasis on their great social significance. The database is aimed to be used by artists, cultural  and scientific institutions, as well as to instigate developingof strategies on governmental and local level, in order to transform and activate empty spaces.