Slobodan Penezić

Doc. Dr. Slobodan Penezić

Slobodan Penezić is a communicologist working in the media and public relations, as an intern but also as a lecturer and professional consultant.

He graduated from the University of Belgrade Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Journalism and Communication, where he completed the specialist and master’s study program Theory of Culture and Gender Theory. He completed the specialist studies at the University of Oklahoma, USA, at the College for Journalism and Mass Communications, after being granted a scholarship by the U.S. Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG). He earned his doctorate in the program Studies of Culture and the Media at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Political Sciences.

He has worked in media and journalism, as well as public relations and marketing; for the most part as the journalist for the daily paper Danas and as the Chief of Public Relations and Website editor at JP Službeni Glasnik.

He has been appointed as a consultant for the implementation of United Nation projects; previously, he worked part-time in various broadcasting houses in Serbia and the USA, as well as a public relations manager for a number of campaigns.

As one of the winners of the call intended for exceptional young media professionals from Southeast Europe, he was granted the Professional Development Year Scholarship Program scholarship for 2008-09 by the U.S. Department of State and Voice of America.

He was involved in many campaigns related to culture and publishing, most notably through the promotion of publishing activities and his engagement in cultural projects at JP Službeni Glasnik; as well as projects aimed at improving democracy and living conditions in Serbia through journalistic and consulting work.

Currently, he is working as an associate professor at the University “UNION – Nikola Tesla” Faculty of Sport, Department of Journalism, where he teaches several subjects related to journalism and communicology.

He is a scientific associate at the Institute for Political Studies in Belgrade, author of the upcoming book Izazovi upravljanja medijima u 21. veku (The Challenges of Managing Media in the Twenty-First Century), as well as several professional articles on media and cultural studies that have appeared in national and regional professional periodicals.

He attended a number of seminaries and conferences in the country and abroad and is on the editorial board of the scientific journals “Kultura” and “Sport, biznis i komunikacije.”