Big panel discussion called “Culture and National Trauma” organised by the Institute for Cultural Development (ZAPROKUL) TUESDAY, Sept. 27, at the Belgrade Youth Centre, at 19h

Big panel discussion called “Culture and National Trauma” organised by the Institute for Cultural Development (ZAPROKUL) TUESDAY, Sept. 27, at the Belgrade Youth Centre, at 19h

(Americana hall)


This is the first in a row of public panel discussions to be organised by ZAPROKUL in the next period, intended for the widest public. Having in mind the significance of theoretical deliberation of national identity, we will introduce renowned authors from various fields, aiming to shed light on cultural reflection over our collective trauma.

The Institute for Cultural Development, as the publisher of Culture Magazine, is thus initiating a public dialogue on the issue of culture and national trauma as exceptionally important topic for our culture and cultural policy, which is also covered in one of the issues of the Magazine.

“The theory of cultural trauma is of particular importance for understanding of our culture. There can be no overcoming of a trauma – behind which there is always suffering from wrongdoings – without facing it, without an free discussion about it and without an artistic interpretation of the trauma” – argued dr. Slađana Ilić, the editor-in-chief in the introductory word of the Culture Magazine issue dedicated to this theme.

Authors of texts from the thematic issue will participate in the panel discussion, joined by a wide spectre of guest speakers from different scientific and artistic fields.  We expect that this thematic issue, as well as the public dialogue instigated by it, will be a significant step forward to a more active relation of our culture, and also our state, towards an awareness of our collective traumas and towards creative and healing confrontation with the trauma.


The programme is realised in cooperation with the Belgrade Youth Centre and the Museum of Genocide Victims.



Dr. Bojan Jovanović, anthropologist

Prof. dr. Slobodan Reljić, sociologist and journalist

Prof. dr. Predrag J. Marković, director of Institute for Modern History

Prof. dr. Miloš Ković, tenured professor at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University in Belgrade

Dr.Svetlana Šeatović, scientific researcher, Institute for Literature and Arts

Goran Radovanović, film director and screenwriter

Panel moderator:

Dr.Slađana Ilić, editor-in-chief of the Culture Magazine and editor of the thematic issue “Culture and National Trauma”