Vladimir Kolarić

Doc. Dr. Vladimir Kolarić

Vladimir Kolarić is an art and culture theorist, prose writer, playwright, and translator. He graduated in dramaturgy and earned a Ph.D. degree in theory of dramatic arts, media and culture at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade. He defended the doctoral thesis “Film i književnost: Transformacija književnog teksta F. M. Dostojevskog u filmovima Živojina Pavlovića” (Film and Literature: The Transformation of F. M. Dostoevsky’s Literary Text in Živojin Pavlović’s Films). He is an associate professor at the College of Communication and a research organizer at the Institute for Cultural Development Research.

He wrote the books “Hrišćanstvo i film” (Christianity and Film, 2017), “Cultural Policy of Yugoslav Self-Management” (2019), and “Hrišćanstvo i umetnost” (Christianity and Art, 2021), edited the scientific edited volume “U traganju za umetničkom formom” (In Search of Art Form, 2012, with Enisa Uspenski), edited the thematic pages “Film and Philosophy” (2014, with Aleksandar Prnjat) and “The Aesthetics of the Body in Christianity” (2020, with Blagoje Pantelić) for the journal “Kultura”.

Deputy editor of the journal “Humanistika,” member of the editorial staff of the journal “Kultura” since 2019, and member of the editorial board of the Academy of SOC for Arts and Conservation’s journal “Živopis.” Member of the Serbian Literary Society and the Association of Dramatic Artists of Serbia.

Slobodan Penezić

Doc. Dr. Slobodan Penezić

Slobodan Penezić is a communicologist working in the media and public relations, as an intern but also as a lecturer and professional consultant.

He graduated from the University of Belgrade Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Journalism and Communication, where he completed the specialist and master’s study program Theory of Culture and Gender Theory. He completed the specialist studies at the University of Oklahoma, USA, at the College for Journalism and Mass Communications, after being granted a scholarship by the U.S. Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG). He earned his doctorate in the program Studies of Culture and the Media at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Political Sciences.

He has worked in media and journalism, as well as public relations and marketing; for the most part as the journalist for the daily paper Danas and as the Chief of Public Relations and Website editor at JP Službeni Glasnik.

He has been appointed as a consultant for the implementation of United Nation projects; previously, he worked part-time in various broadcasting houses in Serbia and the USA, as well as a public relations manager for a number of campaigns.

As one of the winners of the call intended for exceptional young media professionals from Southeast Europe, he was granted the Professional Development Year Scholarship Program scholarship for 2008-09 by the U.S. Department of State and Voice of America.

He was involved in many campaigns related to culture and publishing, most notably through the promotion of publishing activities and his engagement in cultural projects at JP Službeni Glasnik; as well as projects aimed at improving democracy and living conditions in Serbia through journalistic and consulting work.

Currently, he is working as an associate professor at the University “UNION – Nikola Tesla” Faculty of Sport, Department of Journalism, where he teaches several subjects related to journalism and communicology.

He is a scientific associate at the Institute for Political Studies in Belgrade, author of the upcoming book Izazovi upravljanja medijima u 21. veku (The Challenges of Managing Media in the Twenty-First Century), as well as several professional articles on media and cultural studies that have appeared in national and regional professional periodicals.

He attended a number of seminaries and conferences in the country and abroad and is on the editorial board of the scientific journals “Kultura” and “Sport, biznis i komunikacije.”

Jana Aleksić

Dr. Jana Aleksić

Jana (Miroljub) Aleksić (1984, Kragujevac) graduated from the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Philology, Department of Serbian Literature and Language with Comparative Literature, after defending the thesis “Pripovedački postupci u romanima Gorana Petrovića” (Narrative Techniques in the Novels of Goran Petrović). She received the “Radmila Popović” Foundation’s prize for best thesis in the subject Serbian Literature of the Twentieth Century, defended in 2009 at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade. In 2010, she completed the master’s program Serbian Literature and Language with Comparative Literature (thesis: “Legitimizacija postmodernizma u savremenoj srpskoj prozi” [Legitimization of Postmodernism in Contemporary Serbian Prose], Radoman Kordić, Postmodernističko pripovedanje, Prosveta, Beograd, 1998; mentor professor Mihajlo Pantić, Ph.D.). On May 30, 2016, she successfully defended the doctoral thesis “Milan Kašanin kao tumač nove srpske književnosti” (Milan Kašanin as an Interpreter of New Serbian Literature) in front of a commission comprised of professor Radivoje Mikić, Ph.D. (mentor), Milan Radulović, Ph.D. (president), and associate professor Milan Aleksić, Ph.D., at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Philology.

Thanks to a scholarship from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, Jana Aleksić, Ph.D., attended postdoctoral studies at the University of Venice, the Department for Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies (Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia) for three months in 2017, under the mentorship of professor Aleksandar Naumov.

She has been working on the project Culturological Literary Theories and Serbian Literary Criticism at the Institute for Literature and Art in Belgrade since March 2011. In January 2020, she became the associate and secretary of the Scientific Department Serbian Literature and Cultural Self-Awareness. She has been a member of the Institute for Literature and Art’s Scientific Council since June 2017.

Jana Aleksić has published five scientific monographs: Opsednuta priča: Poetika romana Gorana Petrovića (Haunted Story: The Poetics of Goran Petrović’s Novels, 2013),  Žudnja za lepotom i savršenstvom: Teurgijska dimenzija književnoumetničkog stvaralaštva (The Yearn for Beauty and Perfection: Theurgic Dimension of Literary and Artistic Creations, 2014), Kulturna ideologija Milana Kašanina (The Cultural Ideology of Milan Kašanin, 2019), Književna misao Milana Kašanina (The Literary Thought of Milan Kašanin, 2020), Metapoetičnost: Prilozi Proučavanju Pesničke Samosvesti (Metapoetics: Towards a Study of Poetic Self-Awareness, 2021), as well as forty studies and articles in scientific volumes, journals, and literary periodicals. She has edited three scientific publications: Priče, sećanje, svedočastva, “Antologijska edicija Prvi svetski rat u srpskoj književnost”; tom 2 (Stories, Memories, Testimonies, “Anthological Edition – First World War in Serbian Literature”; volume 2, 2018), Ivo Andrić, Ex Ponto, “Kritičko izdanje dela Ive Andrića,” knj. 13 (Critical Edition of Ivo Andrić’s Works, volume 13, 2019), Milan Kašanin, Zaveštanje srpskog Atinjanina (The Bequest of a Serbian Athenianin, 2020). She attended many scientific conferences. With Đorđe Nešić she edited the scientific edited volume Književni i kritičarski opus Milana Kašanina (The Literary and Critical Works of Milan Kašanin, 2018); with Dragan Hamović the edited volume Srpska književnost početkom 20. veka: modernost i stari zadaci (Serbian Literature at the Beginning of the 20th Century: Modernity and Old Tasks, 2020); and with Žarko Milenković the edited volume Ivan Negrišorac: pesničke i kulturološke dominante (Ivan Negrišorac: The Dominants Poetical and Culturological Elements, 2020). She edited the thematic pages “Milan Kašanin: književnik, istoričar književnosti i umetnosti ” (Milan Kašanin: Author, Art and Literary Historian) for the journal Književna Istorija, as well as the thematic pages “Dozivanja – srednjovekovno književno nasleđe u modernom srpskom pesništvu” (“Evocation—Medieval Literary Heritage in Modern Serbian Poetics”) for the journal Ljubostinjska Prinošenja (2019).

Since 2018, she has been collaborating with the Ivo Andrić Foundation on the project of editing the critical edition of Ivo Andrić’s works. She participated in editing scientific journals Lipar and Kultura, the national scientific journal Književni Magazin, as well as the magazine for culture Srpska Misao.

Saša Radojčić

Professor Dr. Saša Radojčić

Graduated and earned a doctoral degree at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, and earned a magister’s degree at the Faculty of Philology. He teaches Philosophy of Art at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade.

In addition to a number of articles in periodicals and edited volumes, he published:

– theoretical books: “Ništa i prah, Antropološki pesimizam Sterijinog Davorja” (Nothing and Dust: The Anthropological Pessimism of Sterija’s Davorje, 2006), “Stapanje horizonta. Pesništvo i interpretacija pesništva u filozofskoj hermeneutici” (Merging Horizons. Poetry and the Interpretation of Poetry in Philosophical Hermeneutics, 2010), “Razumevanje i zbivanje. Osnovni činioci hermeneutičkog iskustva” (Understanding and Occurrence. The Basic Elements of Hermeneutic Experience, 2011), “Uvod u filozofiju umetnosti” (Introduction to the Philosophy of Art, 2014), and “Umetnost i stvarnost” (Art and Reality, 2021);

– collections of essays and criticism: “Providni anđeli” (Transperent Angels, 2003), “Poezija, vreme buduće” (Poetry, Future Tense 2003), “Reč posle” (The Word After, 2015), “Jedna pesma” (One Song, 2016), “Slike i rečenice” (Images and Sentences, 2017), “Za svetlom iz očeve kolibe” (To the Light from Father’s Cabin, 2018), and “Ogledalo na pijaci Bajloni” (The Mirror at the Bajloni Market, 2019);u

– translations from the German: H. G. Gadamer, “Pohvala teoriji” (Praise of Theory, 1996), H. G. Gadamer, “Filozofija i poezija” (Philosophy and Poetry, 2002), W. Dilthey, “Doživljaji i pesništvo” (Poetry and Experience, 2004), R. Safranski, “Zlo ili drama slobode” (Evil or the Drama of Freedom, 2005), E. Jünger, “Droge i opijenost” (Drugs and Intoxication, 2007), H. G. Gadamer, “Ko sam ja i ko si ti” (Who am I and Who Are You, 2010), H. Keyserling, “Južnoameričke meditacije” (South American Meditations, 2015), L. A. Salome, “Fridrih Niče u svojim delima” (Friedrich Nietzsche in his Works, 2017), H. C. Binswanger “Novac i magija” (Money and Magic, 2018), W. Waiblinger “Život, pesništvo i ludilo Fridriha Helderlina” (Friedrich Hölderlin’s Life, Poetry and Madness, 2020), and W. Eilenberger “Vreme čarobnjaka” (Time of the Magician, 2020);

– collection of poems: “Uzaludni snovi” (Futile Dreams, 1985), “Kamerna muzika” (Chamber Music, 1991), “Amerika i druge pesme” (America and Other Poems, 1994), “Elegije, nokturna, etide” (Elegies, Nocturnes, Etudes, 2001), “Četiri godišnja doba” (The Four Seasons, 2004), Cyber zen (2013), “Duge i kratke pesme” (Long and Short Poems, 2015), and “To mora da sam takođe ja” (That Must Also Be Me, 2020);

Editor of the anthology of recent Serbian poetry “Senke i njihovi predmeti” (Shadows and their Objects, 2021).

For his entire poetic oeuvre, he received the Dis award and the “Desanka Maksimović” award. He was also awarded the “Branko Ćopić,” “Đura Jakšić,” Zmaj, “Venac Laze Kostića”, and “Lenkin Prsten” prizes for poetry. For his literary criticism, he received the “Milan Bogdanović” award.

Vladan Cerović

Slađana Ilić

Dr. Slađana Ilić

Slađana Ilić (Kraljevo, 1974) completed the Pedagogical Academy “Petar Petrović Njegoš” in Kruševac. She graduated from the University of Niš – Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Serbian Language and Yugoslav Literature, on December 26, 1998. She defended her magister’s thesis Moralističke ideje u poeziji Jovana Sterije Popovića (Moralistic Ideas in Jovan Sterija Popović’s Poetry) on April 8, 2005, at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Philology (mentor professor Milo Lompar, Ph.D.). On September 29, 2016, she defended her doctoral thesis Politički diskurs u pripovetkama Radovana Belog Markovića (Political Discourse in the Stories of Radovan Beli Marković) at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Political Sciences (mentor professor Dobrivoje Stanojević, Ph.D.). She defended her doctoral thesis Tipovi fantastike u prozi Radovana Belog Markovića (Types of Fantasy in the Prose of Radovan Beli Marković) on September 30, 2016, at the University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Philosophy (mentor professor Sava Damjanov, Ph.D.).

She worked as an editor and cultural programs organizer at the National Library “Stevan Sremac” in Niš (2000-2004), as an editor for general and textbook publications at the publishing house Kreativni Centar in Belgrade (2004-2011), and from December 26, 2011, until August 6, 2020, at Zavod za Udžbenike in Belgrade as an editor for Serbian language and elementary school reading, as well as fiction and literary theory. She is currently working at the Belgrade City Library.

Both the magazine Gradina from Niš (2001) and Naš trag from Velika Plana have had her on their editorial boards (2007-2008; 2020-present). She has been the editor-in-chief of Književni magazine since 2020, as well as the scientific journal Kultura for theory and sociology of culture and cultural politics since 2021. She is a regular contributor to Radio Beograd 2 and Večernje Novosti as a literary critic. Since 2003, she has been the member of the jury of Večernje Novosti for the literary award “Meša Selimović.” In 2021, she started serving on the jury for the Belgrade City Library’s “Beogradski Pobednik” award for the best novel of the year written in the Serbian language, as well as the jury for the “Đorđe Jovanović” award for essays and literary criticism. She was in the Editorial Board for the publication of the complete works of Radovan Beli Marković (2013). She prepared three books by this writer: Švapska kosa, Limunacija u Ćelijama, Gospođa Olga. She attended many Slavic studies symposiums in the country and abroad. Slađana Ilić has been writing literary criticism since 2000, and she began to shorts stories in 2011. She published a collection of literary criticism Nešto se ipak dogodilo: Ogledi o savremenoj srpskoj prozi sezone 2000-2004 (Something Did Happen: Essays on Contemporary Serbian Prose Season 2000-2004, Аgora, Zrenjanin, 2005), collection of stories Ženski – u sto tehnika (Female—One Hundred Techniques, Dereta, Beograd, 2014), and the scientific monographs Državna životinja: politika i ljudi u pričama Radovana Belog Markovića (State Animal: Politics and People in Stories of Radovan Beli Marković, Gradska biblioteka Lajkovac, 2018), Zlo u književnosti i kulturi: kolonijalni um srpske tranzicije (Evil in Literature and Culture: The Colonial Mind of Serbian Transition, Catena mundi, 2021) and Anđeli i strašila: Tipovi fantastike u prozi Radovana Belog Markovića (Angels and Scarecrows: Types of Fantasy in the Prose of Radovan Beli Marković, Naučno udruženje za razvoj srpskih studija, Novi Sad, 2021).