The new 162nd issue of Kultura was presented today in front of a full auditorium at the Gallery of the Center for Study in Cultural Development. The new issue is dedicated to two themes: “Everyday Life” and “Hip-Hop”.

The section “Everyday Life” was edited by professor Vladislava Gordić Petković, and serves as a warning and a call for “moral allusions, existential allegories and paradigmatic keys to understanding our everyday life.” Eight authors discuss everyday life from different theoretical-critical perspectives.

The other section in this issue is “Hip-Hop”, edited by Dragan Đorđević as part of the culture of resistance. It features six texts that analyze the historical development of hip-hop and raise important questions about contemporary hip-hop culture.

From left to right: Dragan Đorđević, Vladislava Gordić Petković, and Vladimir Kolarić 

The academic and cultural audience gathered at the promotion was addressed by professor Vladislava Gordić Petković, editor-in-chief of Kultura and editor of the section “Everyday Life”, Dragan Đorđević, editor of the section “Hip-Hop”, and Vladimir Kolarić, an editorial staff member of Kultura.

The presentation of the 162nd issue of Kultura

The Center for Study in Cultural Development

Invites you to the presentation of Kultura n. 162

– the magazine for theory, sociology of culture and cultural policy –



Wednesday, September 18, at 12 PM

In the Center for Study in Cultural Development

4 Rige od Fere, Belgrade


The speakers will be:

Dragan Đorđević, the editor of the hip-hop section,

Vladislava Gordić Petković, editor-in-chief of Kultura and editor of the section on everyday life, and

Vladimir Kolarić, member of the editorial staff of Kultura

Promotion of the KULTURA Journal at the FESK festival – Careful what you read!

During the “FESK festival – Careful what you read! –humanities, culture, art”, promotion of the Kultura Journal issued by the Center for Studies in Cultural Development was held on May 24, 2019.

The aim of the festival, organized by the “HERA edu” publishing house, was to gather, valorize and represent contemporary publishing production in Serbia, especially the production in culture, art, humanities and education. In addition to professional publishers, museums, libraries,archives, institutes, faculties and associations were also equally represented.

The debate “Influence of the journal on academic education – the sixth decade of the Kultura Journal”,  Dr. Vladislava Gordić Petković, the editor-in-chief of the Journal and Dr. Vladimir Kolarić, member of the editorial board and research organizer at the Center for Studies in Cultural Development presented the history and life of the journal as well as its role in the society, culture and education. 


KULTURA n. 161/2019 Yugoslavia and Culture / Aesthetics Today

The presentation of Kultura n. 161 will be held on Thursday, April 18,at noon, in the Center for Study in Cultural Development, 4 Rige od Fere, Belgrade.

The speakers will be:

professors Divna Vuksanović and Una Popović, co-editors of the pages “Aesthetics Today”

Aleksandar Raković and curator Tatomir Toroman, editor of the pages “Yugoslavia and Culture”

professor Vladislava Gordić Petković, editor-in-chief of Kultura, and

Vuk Vukićević, responsible editor of Kultura and director of the Center for Study in Cultural Development

The themes and deadlines for texts to be published in Kultura in 2019

1. The deadline for submitting texts for issue 162 is March 15, 2019;the main themes in this issue are “Everyday Life”, prepared and edited by professor Vladislava Gordić Petković, and “Hip-Hop Culture”, prepared and edited by Dragan Đorđević;

2. The deadline for submitting texts for issue 163 is May 15, 2019; the main themes in this issue are “Culture of Resistance – Global Subversive Strategies”, prepared and edited by Ana Došen, and “Culture and Money”, prepared and edited by Vladislava Gordić Petković;

3. The deadline for submitting texts for issue 164 is June 30, 2019; the main themes in this issues are “800 Years of the Autocephaly of the Serbian Orthodox Church”, prepared and edited by Srđan Simić, and “Cultural Relationship between France and Serbia”, prepared and edited by professor Alexis Troude;

4. The deadline for submitting texts for issue 165 is July 30, 2019; the main theme in this issue is “National and Civilizational Identity in Comic Books”, prepared and edited by Zoran Stefanović.