The 172th issue of the journal Kultura: Kultura i nacionalna trauma (Culture and National Trauma) is out

The 172th issue of Kultura Journal has been released and it focuses on theme: “Culture and National Trauma” edited by Slađana Ilić.


CULTURE No 172 is currently being prepared on the topic of Culture and National Trauma, as well as CULTURE No 173 on the topic of Culture and Diplomacy.

A Search for Current Questions and Answers in a New Redesigned CULTURE

In the well attended Gallery of the Center for Studies in Cultural Development, a new jubilee double issue 170-171 of the CULTURE journal for theory and sociology of culture and cultural policy was promoted. A word of greeting to the gathered audience – many prominent persons in culture and managers of cultural institutions – was given by Marko Krstić, acting Center manager.

Mr. Krstić has underlined that “modernization” of the visual aspect of the journal has risen from the need to have the biggest possible readership, as CULTURE is the only journal for sociology of culture and cultural policy in Serbia. Naturally, this does not mean that we will lose sight of the long tradition of this iconic journal which we regard with deep respect and appreciation. CULTURE will remain one of our most important journals with highest scientific reach. Art history is also a history of change, and on that trail, CULTURE also has to change conceptually, to be noticeably more active in the public life of Serbia while considering the neurological focal points in culture and cultural policy.”

The promotion then started with the opening word of the Assistant Minister of Culture and Information, Mr Radovan Jokić, who has underlined that: “CULTURE journal has clearly taken a step up. We expect its area of operation to be a sublimation of actual events that Ministry is dealing with, and we expect their helping hand in solving the challenges that are placed before culture and the world today. Furthermore, this significant journal can assist us in another segment, and that is contextualization and inclusion of real time projections in response to the challenge of developing and improving our culture.”

An inspired view of the new concept of  CULTURE was presented to the audience by  Dr Slađana Ilić, managing editor of CULTURE, as well as Dr Jana Aleksić and Dr Vladimir Kolarić, as members of the editorial board.

In a pleasant atmosphere, the thematic triptych of the double issue was presented: “Culture, subject, philosophy”, “Culture and creativity” and “Culture and heritage”, while the audience expressed great interest in the new, more modern visual identity of the journal.

New Format, New Design – New CULTURE

The new jubilee double issue 170-171 of our CULTURE scientific journal for theory and sociology of culture and cultural policy issued by the Center for Studies in Cultural Development, will be promoted at the Centre Gallery on December 2, 2021, at 13:00 h. The recent stage of development of our journal features a new, more modern design which bring true fresh air in the design of scientific journals in Serbia.

This double issue covers a thematic triptych of: “Culture, Subject, Philosophy”, “Culture and Creativity” and “Culture and Heritage”. Behind these topics of the double issue of our journal which has been published for half a century, lies a comprehensive systematic and unique effort at modern interpretation of culture and cultural policy.


Dr Slađana Ilić, managing editor of CULTURE

Marko Krstić, editor-in-chief

Editorial board:

Dr Jana Aleksić, Prof. Dr Saša Radojičić, Prof. Dr Slobodan Penezić, Dr Vladimir Kolarić


Any search for current questions and answers meets new polemic priorities in researching and studying of culture as significant sources of scientific information about the contemporary world – which is exactly why we are proud to present a modern redesigned CULTURE.

The 165th issue of the journal Kultura: Strip i identitet (Comics and Identity) is out

Last night, in the Belgrade Youth Center, the 165th issue of the journal for theory, sociology of culture, and cultural policies Kultura was presented. The theme of this issue is “Comics and Identity”, and it features texts by foreign and local scientists and experts from eight countries written in seven languages.

The speakers at the event were Zoran Stefanović, the editor of the section “Comics and Identity”; Irina Antanasijević, the author of the text“ Seryozha and Ninotchka in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia”; Vladislava Gordić Petković, the editor-in-chief of Kultura; Vladimir Kolarić, editorial staff member; and Vuk Vukićević, the director of the Center for Study in Cultural Development and editor of Kultura.

The event gathered the contributors to Kultura, comic book fans, and members of the press. A live broadcast was organized for those who could not attend, and the video of the broadcast can be seen on the Facebook page of the Center for Study in Cultural Development. All texts from the 165thissue of Kultura are available for download from the magazine’s website:, or through the mobile application “Kultura Magazine”.

The new 167th issue of Kultura Journal is out

The 167th issue of Kultura Journal has been released and it focuses on two themes: “The Heritage House and Cultural Policy in Serbia” edited by Jadranka Božić, and “The Aesthetics of the Body in Christianity” edited by Vladimir Kolarić and Blagoje Pantelić. Besides the mentioned thematic sections, the 167th issue contained the regular features—Research, Retrospections, and Reviews.

As Jadranka Božić, the editor of the section “The Heritage House and Cultural Policy in Serbia”, says in the introduction: “At the core of the legacy type of inheriting is the act of gifting. Gifting implies selflessness,that is, denying oneself of something valuable, and the more valuable it is to one, the more selfless the act. Each act of giving goes beyond narrow concerns—efforts to build a better society, ethical norms, and the general morals of the people can be driven by the noble act of leaving a legacy. Cultural policy should encourage the culture of giving, as show respect to the givers and the sacrifices made by the guardians and transmitters of cultural goods.”

Vladimir Kolarić and Blagoje Pantelić, editors of the section “The Aesthetics of the Body in Christianity”, state in the introduction: “Since human beings consist not only of the body—although they are unimaginable without it—every aesthetical approach to the human body in Christianity must take into account human beings as a whole, even though only the body can be immediately perceived through the senses, meaning aesthetically graspable and artistically representable. This attempt to aesthetical grasp the whole of human beings is one of the greatest challenges not just for aesthetical theories and practices but also theology and is connected with the key question of the intelligibility and representability of the invisible (through the visible).”

Apart from the printed issue, the digital edition of Kultura n. 167 can be seen on the website, or obtained through the mobile application.

The new 166th issue of Kultura has come out, the themes are: “Reality Television Programs in Serbia” and “Contemporary Social Research Methodology”

The new 166th issue of Kultura has been published and features two sections: “Reality Television Programs in Serbia” edited by Goran Gavrić, and “Contemporary Social Research Methodology” edited by Snežana Stojšin. Besides the mentioned sections, the 167th issue contains the regular features—Research, Retrospections, and Reviews.

The whole issue can be found in digital form on the website of Kultura by clicking on the link:, and the table of contents is available on the website: Through the mobile application “Kultura Journal”, available at Google Play, one can access the digital editions, browse through them, or download them in PDF format.

“In Serbia, reality television programs arrived with the Dutch TV show Big Brother, which was created by John de Mol as an experiment inspired by researches by contemporary artists about how police and security services use cameras; from this came the creation of a space where everyone comes to be seen, that is, to see others. In the meantime, the circumstances have changed, both globally and in Serbia, so reality programs that came after Big Brother evolved into something extending beyond the borders of a reality program, adopting a wide range of mostly negative influences from different spheres of society,” says professor Goran Gavrić, editor of the section “Reality Television Programs in Serbia”.

“Every scientist who, among other things, does empirical research of social phenomena has many times asked himself the question: how to conduct the research, that is, what is the best way to conduct research? Figuring out an answer to this always reminds scientists of the importance of methodology, that is the importance of studying methodological problems and questions. In the section ‘Contemporary Social Research Methodology: Problems and Perspectives’, the authors of the texts attempted to find answers to the questions: how do we discover the truth, what is the best way to operationalize complex concepts, how to apply case studies when researching various social phenomena (marginalized groups, factories, agriculture, etc.), what measurement instruments to use in social sciences, the problem of sampling in social research, the problem of visual research, how to apply certain methods in different researches,” professor Snežana Stojšin highlights, the editor of the section “Contemporary Social Research Methodology”.

The 164th issue of Kultura is out

Today, in the Center for Study in Cultural Development, the new 164th issue of the magazine for theory, sociology of culture and cultural policy Kultura was presented, dedicated to two topics: “800 Years of the Autocephaly of the Serbian Orthodox Church” and “Serbia and France – Culture, Education, Politics”.

(Photo: The Center, from left to right: Vuk Vukićević, the responsible editor of Kultura and director of the Center for Study in Cultural Development, Srđan Simić, the editor of the thematic section “800 Years of the Autocephaly of the Serbian Orthodox Church”, Aleksandra Kolaković, co-editor of the thematic section “Serbia and France – Culture, Education, Politics”, Vladislava Gordić Petković, the magazine’s editor-in-chief)

In his introduction to the first section, professor Srđan Simić highlights that “on the occasion of eight centuries of the autocephaly of the Serbian Orthodox Church we consider the undeniable cultural-historic and religious enlightenment identity of our people, whose state was created owing to the Serbian Orthodox Church.”

The editors of the second section Aleksandra Kolaković and Alexis Troud estated that their goal was not only to present new information, but also to stir up discussions on the “range of the French-Serbian cooperation, most importantly in the cultural sphere, both in the past and in the present.”

The audience in the Center’s Gallery was addressed by Srđan Simić, the editor of the section “800 Years of the Autocephaly of the Serbian Orthodox Church”, Aleksandra Kolaković, co-editor of the section “Serbia and France – Culture, Education, Politics”, professor Vladislava Gordić Petković, the magazine’s editor-in-chief, and Vuk Vukićević, the responsible editor of Kultura and the director of the Center for Study in Cultural Development.


The 163rd issue of Kultura, the magazine for theory, sociology ofculture and cultural policy, was presented today in the Centre for Study in Cultural Development. The issue’s themes are: “Culture of Resistance” and “Culture and Money”.

The section “Culture of Resistance” was prepared by Ana Došen, who highlighted in the introduction that the culture of resistance is a “global phenomenon which points out to different subversive social and cultural practices.” Professor Vladislava Gordić Petković, the editor of the section “Culture and Money”, views the problem of money as an “obsessive theme throughout the history of society, not only in our time.”

The academic and cultural audience gathered at the promotion was addressed by professor Ana Došen, editor of the section “Culture of Resistance”, professor Vladislava Gordić Petković, editor-in-chief of Kultura and editor of the section “Culture and Money”, and Vladimir Kolarić, member of the editorial staff of Kultura.

The media about the new issue of Kultura Magazine

The programs Kulturni Krugovi and Kulturni Dnevnik featured a story about the new 162nd issue of Kultura published by the Center for Study in Cultural Development.

The RTS’s radio show featured a story about the new issue of Kulture, which can be heard on the following link, starting from 34:35:

The feature story about the new issue of Kultura prepared by Kulturni Dnevnik can be found on the following link, staring from 5:46: