Big panel discussion called “Culture and National Trauma” organised by the Institute for Cultural Development (ZAPROKUL) TUESDAY, Sept. 27, at the Belgrade Youth Centre, at 19h

Big panel discussion called “Culture and National Trauma” organised by the Institute for Cultural Development (ZAPROKUL) TUESDAY, Sept. 27, at the Belgrade Youth Centre, at 19h

(Americana hall)


This is the first in a row of public panel discussions to be organised by ZAPROKUL in the next period, intended for the widest public. Having in mind the significance of theoretical deliberation of national identity, we will introduce renowned authors from various fields, aiming to shed light on cultural reflection over our collective trauma.

The Institute for Cultural Development, as the publisher of Culture Magazine, is thus initiating a public dialogue on the issue of culture and national trauma as exceptionally important topic for our culture and cultural policy, which is also covered in one of the issues of the Magazine.

“The theory of cultural trauma is of particular importance for understanding of our culture. There can be no overcoming of a trauma – behind which there is always suffering from wrongdoings – without facing it, without an free discussion about it and without an artistic interpretation of the trauma” – argued dr. Slađana Ilić, the editor-in-chief in the introductory word of the Culture Magazine issue dedicated to this theme.

Authors of texts from the thematic issue will participate in the panel discussion, joined by a wide spectre of guest speakers from different scientific and artistic fields.  We expect that this thematic issue, as well as the public dialogue instigated by it, will be a significant step forward to a more active relation of our culture, and also our state, towards an awareness of our collective traumas and towards creative and healing confrontation with the trauma.


The programme is realised in cooperation with the Belgrade Youth Centre and the Museum of Genocide Victims.



Dr. Bojan Jovanović, anthropologist

Prof. dr. Slobodan Reljić, sociologist and journalist

Prof. dr. Predrag J. Marković, director of Institute for Modern History

Prof. dr. Miloš Ković, tenured professor at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University in Belgrade

Dr.Svetlana Šeatović, scientific researcher, Institute for Literature and Arts

Goran Radovanović, film director and screenwriter

Panel moderator:

Dr.Slađana Ilić, editor-in-chief of the Culture Magazine and editor of the thematic issue “Culture and National Trauma”

CULTURE – A Magazine that Pushes the Boundaries Dec. 30, 2022

The latest number of the Culture magazine, on the topic of historic and epic heroes between historiography and literary folklore tradition, was promoted at the Institute premises, in a pleasant and festive atmosphere. This thematic volume was prepared by Dragoljub B. Perić and Boris Stojkovski who were guided by the interconnectivity of historic factography and epic interpretation of individual epic hero biographies and events.


The audience was greeted by the director of the Institute (ZAPROKUL), Marko Krstić, who expressed his satisfaction that such an interesting topic has found its place in the magazine, and that the audience has been given an opportunity to read the texts that offer a new perspective and views of our history and myths close to the start of a new calendar year.


Mr Stojkovski, on of the editors of this thematic issue, underlined the importance of the Culture magazine and its decades-long tradition of pushing the boundaries in Serbian culture. In his opinion, the synergy of different expert viewpoints given in this issue, has offered us new facts and details of our identity, our culture of remembrance and culture in general. “This issue offers you a picture of the entire region, and wider cultural space even, of all South Slavic nations, their history, myths and folklore traditions…”.

In closure, Slađana Ilić, the editor-in-chief of the Culture magazine and the moderator of the spirited discussion, pointed out the diversity of the inspiring texts given in the Researches chapter, which can be found interesting and informative to all those who search for deeper empirical insights into the Serbian and global cultural issues.

PROMOTION OF THE NEW 174-175th ISSUE OF KUTURA MAGAZINE on the topic of “Historic and Epic Heroes”

Dec. 20, 2022

The new, 174-175th issue of Culture Magazine on the topic of “Historic and Epic Heroes” will be promoted at the Gallery of the Institute for Cultural Development ( ZAPROKUL) at Rige od Fere 4,   on December 28, 2022 at 12h.




др Slađana Ilić, editor-in-chief of the Culture Magazine


др Boris Stojkovski, University in Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, editor of the thematic issue


др Dragoljub Perić, University in Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, co-editor

174-175th Issue of Culture Magazine is Published

November 19, 2022

The 174-175th issue of Culture Magazine is out, published by Institute for Cultural Development, on the topic of “Historic and Epic Heroes”.

Read the contents of the 174-175th issue


August 9, 2022

In the new, 173rd issue of Culture Magazine, on the topic of Culture and Diplomacy which was edited by  dr. Aleksandra Kolaković, you can read a text titled  CULTURAL DIPLOMACY OF THE PR OF CHINA IN THE WESTERN BALKANS: SERBIA IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE. In this text, the author, Dragan Trailović says: “For a long time, Peoples’ Republic of China has strived to improve its global image through various and numerous forms  of public and cultural diplomacy. Ever since they have become one of the most significant and influential international stakeholders, the need has arisen to alter China’s perspective about others, but also the perspective of others about China. In order to accomplish this, PR of China has started implementing a proactive strategy of public and cultural diplomacy, promoting itself as a major and responsible global power, wishing to contribute to form positive narratives  about China in international relations.

Through several major initiatives of global scale which include economic, political and cultural strategies, the Chinese government is trying to intend to improve and promote the image of their country as a reliable political and economic partner. In this process, culture and cultural exchange become one of the most valuable tools in China’s hands for growth of soft power. As such initiatives also include the Western Balkans thus including the Republic of Serbia as well, China has been using different methods and instruments of cultural diplomacy, from establishment of Confucius Institutes and academic cooperation, to the internationalisation of the Chinese media and its presence in the media of these countries.  The purpose of the paper is to describe how the given instruments function in the Western Balkans and how they are used in the Republic of Serbia in comparison to other countries of the region.

See the contents of the 173rd issue

Influencing Young People from Foreign Countries is Important

June 28, 2022

At the Gallery of the Institute for Cultural Development (ZAPROKUL), the new 173rd issue of Culture Magazine was promoted today on the topic of “Culture and Diplomacy” before a packed auditorium.

Manager of the Institute, Mr. Marko Karstic addressed the gathering stating that “this thematic issue has an intention to connect two major ministries and activate the issue of diplomacy in culture.”

Dr. Aleksandra Kolaković, editor of this thematic issue, has addressed the fact that a “new normality” has changed people’s lives all over the world. Establishment, development, maintenance and improvement of foreign relations of a country by means of culture, arts, sport, science and education have brought about new tasks in new circumstances. Cultural diplomacy as part of public diplomacy and the manner of growing “soft power” in this context are especially significant for culture and for a country like Serbia.”

“Methods of action and manners of expression are changing and broadening, and the flow of information is improved for use in cultural diplomacy. However, it seems that the objectives have remained the same: to extend your influence by reaching out to others, but also in certain historic circumstances to prevent the others to reach you with their influences”, said dr. Slobodan Selinić, scientific associate from the Institute for Recent Serbian History.

Prof. dr. Siniša Atlagić from the Faculty of Political Sciences, pointed out the significance of the topic and importance of the Culture Magazine where the topic was instigated, concluding that it is significant to influence the young people from foreign countries, so this kind of activity may as well be one of future cultural and diplomatic strategies of our country.


June 23, 2022

The new 173rd issue of Culture on the topic “Culture and Diplomacy” will be promoted at the Gallery of the Institute for Cultural Development (ZAPROKUL) at Rige of Fere 4, on June 18th, 2022, at 13h.

“Culture and Diplomacy” thematic issue, which was edited by dr. Aleksandra Kolaković, has eleven published texts contributing to the research in cultural diplomacy and culture, that launch a public discussion on the present relation between culture and diplomacy.

In the introduction, Kolaković has underlined that “since spring 2020, when Covid-19 pandemic has closed the borders and significantly changed people’s lives in all countries of the world, culture and diplomacy have continued to overcome all obstacles imposed by the “new normality”. Establishment, development, maintenance and improvement of foreign relations of a country by means of culture, arts, sport, science and education have brought  about new tasks in new circumstances”. Cultural diplomacy as part of public diplomacy and the manner of growing ‘soft power’ in this context are especially significant for culture and for a country like Serbia.”


Prof. dr. Siniša Atlagić, Faculty of Political Sciences

Dr. Slobodan Selinić, scientific associate, Institute for Recent Serbian History

Dr. Aleksandra Kolaković, editor of the thematic issue, senior scientific associate, Institute for Political Studies


173rd issue of Culture Magazine is Published

June 7, 2022

The new 173rd issue of Culture Magazine, on the topic of “Culture and Diplomacy”, was published by the Institute for Cultural Development.

“Culture and diplomacy” thematic issue was edited by dr. Aleksandra Kolaković from the Institute for Political Studies, who underlined that “since spring 2020, when Covid-19 pandemic has closed the borders and significantly changed people’s lives in all countries of the world, culture and diplomacy have continued to overcome all obstacles imposed by the “new normality”. This has re-confirmed that these two segments of communication among people, nations and countries is significant and very much needed. Establishment, development, maintenance and improvement of foreign relations of a country by means of culture, arts, sport, science and education have brought  about new tasks in new circumstances”. Cultural diplomacy as part of official diplomacy and the manner of growing ‘soft power’ in this context are especially significant for culture and for a country like Serbia.” Having in mind all of the above, this issue od Culture is dedicated to cultural diplomacy as part of public diplomacy that relies on objectives and priorities of the political, economic and the military-security components, with the underlying efforts of the state to influence its image in the world as well as bilateral and multilateral relations.

In this number of Culture, in addition to the theoretical and methodological approaches and new issues to be addressed by cultural diplomacy studies, examples form history were especially presented, with an intention of giving birth to new ideas by creators of foreign policy and cultural strategies. As EU-integration is one of the strategic goals of the Republic of Serbia, as a space where cultural cooperation is to be validated and developed, we have also recognised the need to start the issue with the paper that gives an actual and fresh overview. It is dedicated to the research of development of the EU cultural diplomacy agenda, from “culture in foreign relations2 to “inclusive cultural relations” and “a new spirit of the dialogue” as political narrative and institutional logic, which inspire us to think about the foundations for creating contemporary priorities in EU foreign cultural policy, its instruments and programmes. (dr. Aleksandra Kolaković, Introduction, Culture, issue 173).

See the contents of 173rd issue

New 173rd Issue is in Print!

May 25, 2022

Soon, a new, 173rd issue of Culture will be out of print, on the topic of Culture and Diplomacy. Editor of this issue is dr. Aleksandra Kolaković.