The 163rd issue of Kultura, the magazine for theory, sociology ofculture and cultural policy, was presented today in the Centre for Study in Cultural Development. The issue’s themes are: “Culture of Resistance” and “Culture and Money”.

The section “Culture of Resistance” was prepared by Ana Došen, who highlighted in the introduction that the culture of resistance is a “global phenomenon which points out to different subversive social and cultural practices.” Professor Vladislava Gordić Petković, the editor of the section “Culture and Money”, views the problem of money as an “obsessive theme throughout the history of society, not only in our time.”

The academic and cultural audience gathered at the promotion was addressed by professor Ana Došen, editor of the section “Culture of Resistance”, professor Vladislava Gordić Petković, editor-in-chief of Kultura and editor of the section “Culture and Money”, and Vladimir Kolarić, member of the editorial staff of Kultura.